Benefits of Professional Event Photography

Your company is holding a conference celebrating huge news that the past year’s growth exceeded expectations. That sounds like a high quality business run by highly qualified people. With all the planning going into the event, you’re proud to celebrate such an achievement!

You know better than me on how to share the news, but say you send a press release, create social media announcements, maybe even a landing page. Are you only going to write content and call it done?

I don’t think you will.

But if that is what you were planning on doing or maybe shooting a couple quick photos on your phone, please don’t. It would be a greatly missed opportunity after all the time, conversations and planning spent building an event only to cheapen your work and news with no or low-quality images.

So, here’s the case for professional event photography. And even if you are planning on having a professional videographer attend, good on you! But in whatever your planning is, here are some reasons why you should hire a professional event photographer.

  • You landed a VIP keynote speaker or have high profile guests attending your seminar and want to show their advocacy to the company.

  • Leadership respects all employees and likes to showcase award winners for their dedication to the mission of your work.

  • Like in the beginning of this post, you have press release worthy news and want to add more value to the content for your media and public relations.

  • Maybe you want to show off your new product line at a trade show and can take advantage of getting some product launch marketing images.

  • Your conference meeting has breakout work sessions that create unique ideas that can be documented.

  • Your foundation is contributing positively affecting the world (thank you) and want to spread the message.

  • You in general like to document all meetings because you (now) understand the value of professional photography. :D

  • The social media team loves you because you will get them content to share.

Corporate panelists discuss work session

These are just a handful of ideas and I’m sure you have your own reasons now why your event, conference, annual meeting, convention, seminar, etc should have a photographer there.

Why a professional photographer though? Thank you for allowing me to talk about myself for a second!

  • Professional photographers know how to shoot. They have the knowledge and vision of capturing the moments to create better images and a visual story.

  • Understand how to adjust camera settings to the environment. Low-light and stage lighting is quite tricky.

  • We are there for really one thing. Doing what they do best while you can take a bit of a breather knowing it’s one less thing you have to worry about.

  • We have a creative eagle eye. Professional photographers will focus intently on getting those important shots. And we’ll also be scanning for opportunities that add to the story.

  • We can adjust to the nuances of an unfolding moment. Things happen, people walk into the frame, a person turns their back, lighting changes, etc.

  • And we also know how to edit. Because great shots can still be improved.

So if I did a good job writing and this all makes reasonable sense for you to hire a professional photographer for your next special event, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Thanks for reading.


How to Choose a Photographer


My New, Old & Used Canon 5D Mk IV