Pre-Event TCB

The day has arrived. It’s showtime! Got the gear packed up. Arrive just before the start with camera in hand. Take a couple shots and….everything goes smoothly

Nope. That plan is a good way to lose business and credibility. I’ve heard throughout my career and am sure you’ve heard it too, “if you’re on time, you’re late”.

Accountability and reliability is one of those skills everyone should have developed. As a photographer or anyone for that matter is to get to your location early. How early? Of course it depends on what sort of prep/set up work you need to do specifically. You have put your trust in my hands to not only photograph your event, but also to minimize your stress on the day. One of the easiest ways for me to do that is to contact and show up early. At a bare minimum 20 minutes. But even then I’ll be within the vicinity of the venue before that. This allows me to meet my contact, go over details or specific shots requested and some TCB time.

Takin’ Care of Business for all you Seinfeld fans. More specifically it means finding a place to set down my equipment, formatting cards, double checking charged batteries (both of which was done the night before…and the morning of, and on the way there). Basically the productive anxiety is strong with this one. Additionally, I’ll admit TCB is a bathroom visit, and a pre-event warm up. Now I won’t be doing jumping jacks or taking laps in a traditional sense, but I will be taking laps. Photographing establishing shots and wandering the venue while mentally planning different angles to shoot.

With all that taken care of, the story has been established and NOW it’s showtime.


My New, Old & Used Canon 5D Mk IV


Photographer Vision